

Price: $4,500

Parents: Happy and Cash Born 2/23/24

Trainer: Riverside Canine Training Academy

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Patricia is a easy going girl who loves to please her trainer. She will do well with a family that is more laid back. Don’t get us wrong she is up for adventure too, but doesn’t mind just hanging out too.

Training Program

What do they learn?
Name- dogs call name
Ready?- que that for next command/task
Mark- que to watch an object with will be moving for retrieving
Free- marker, dog moves to you for reward or to get the reward
Yes- marker, dog is correct in the training or behavior desired
No- dog is wrong in the training or behavior. Handler will ask again or help guild dog into correct behavior. Then mark with “yes” command when correct.

​Sit- dog is in upright position with tail/rear to the ground.
Here- dog goes to handler when called
Down- laying on the ground
Leave it- dogs leave object alone
Kennel- dog enters their kennel
Climb- dog climbs onto a platform
Inside- dog enters house
Outside- dog goes outside
Go potty- que to have dog relief themselves
Load up- dog loads into vehicle
Loose leash- loose leash walking

Off- for no jumping or on furniture


Introducing to the following:

  • Thunderstorms

  • Fireworks

  • Men

  • Women

  • Children

  • Different situations of people like people wearing sunglasses, hats, etc.

  • Shopping carts

  • Loud Noises

Named Body parts (to be able to regularly care for your dog)





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